Not yet, says coach. Instead; I started and finished my Ironman training last week! Wednesday included a big brick (40mile ride/15 mile run) and Saturday I did a 3500m straight swim/90 mile bike and 7 mile run. I was feeling pretty smoked after that session, but it was a good taste of what's to come.
BUT wait...I still have the US OPEN in Dallas before KONA!! I know, not ideal, but this race was very fun last year, and knew it would be a great experience and opportunity. While in a frenzy at work and with preparations for Kona, I was on the verge of cancelling midweek. However I re-read the commitment letter I signed with LTF when I accepted my slot, and also thought of all my friends who's season have been cut sort due to freaky accidents and injury, and quickly decided against that. I was GOING and I had every intention to make it count.
We flew in Saturday morning, and spent Saturday on Social mode. It was great to see some Friends from LTF Corporate and other friends I've met throughout the years. A perfect start to the weekend.
Short Summary report:
Swim-felt good, and swam with my usual threesome, but we all came out about 2 minutes slower than normal. No good reason, just slower??
Bike-Didn't have a chance to preview the new course, and ran into a few nasty surprises, but in general I felt pretty strong out there. Surprisingly my bike remained in one piece and I came into T2 ready to GO.
Run-came out of T2 in 2nd place and had a decent opening mile (6:18), but the wheels fell off it a hurry. I felt heavy and that pretty much made for a painful run. I dropped to 6:45/50 pace and that was all I had. I had no desire or ability to dig deep and hold my position. I just had no fire today, but I'm fine with that and finshed 5th OA.
Despite the lacklustre performance, I learned a lot this weekend. I had great opportunities to chat with some inspiring athletes and most importantly I learned a lot about myself while suffering though the run. Important things I will consider as I make some triathlon decisions for next year.
My wonderful Husband Kerry came to Dallas and of course he was behind the lens taking awesome photos. He was the prefect Sherpa too-He's getting so good at that!!
Here are a few shots from the day-more photos on YNDECAM
It was an early morning, but temps were near perfect:

Kate McCann and I enjoying a few relaxing minutes before the start:

Beth Shutt and I in the Womens Elite Championship wave! I love it when I get to meet blogger friends for the first time.

Brooke Davidson AKA "the fastest amateur in the world" according to Jerry McNeil, did an amazing 2:03:50 today- SMOKIN'

DKT shows up at the last minute sporting a lovely cast for his broken hand.

I'm not the only crazy person doing the DOUBLE: USOPEN & KONA. Although I think Potts received a hefty bonus from Toyota to show up today.

Beth cruising to the finish line-Awesome job girl!

Always fun to race when Cindi shows up.

Catherine Sterling battling down to chute...Who's chip crossed first?? I'm not sure.

The finish line party with the girls...or as I heard someone say "The Fast Chicks Photo"

Coach Jared was in Dallas to watch. Sorry I couldn't put on a better show coach!

I get to go to work tomorrow, then I'm KONA bound on Tuesday-Aloha!
Frequent updates from the Big Island ahead.