-The opportunity to race in the most prestigious Triathlon in the World.
-The chance to enjoy a week long Triathlon festival/party in KONA.
-The joy of meeting and seeing many friends.
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, I get to see my two big sisters tonight! Susie’s coming from St. John’s and Pam from Toronto, and we’ll connect in Kona tonight. I cannot wait! We have a condo on Alli Drive close to Lava Java, so if you hear endless laugher while enjoying your Latte, you’ll know the Ennis sisters are together!
Admittedly I have more than one foot off the blogging bandwagon (the FaceBook influence), but I’ll do my best to keep it rolling this week. As requested. I’ll post tons of photos (I’ll be the annoying tacky tourist on Alli drive with the camera), and will also seek out more candy for the ‘You know what” facebook group.
Here’s proof that I’m a little snap happy today:
I didn’t unpack my bike after Dallas, so I sure hope BIG RED’s in there!

I’m going with Zipp 303/404 wheel combo for Saturday. I was supposed to use DKTs 404PT wheel but ran out of time and didn’t pick it up. I’ll be flying ZEN…no computer/no Power Tap.

At Whole Foods picking up the always important snacks.

Do you think my lunch bag is big enough? Spinach salad, with wheatberries, Gogi Berries, Apricots, Apples, Larabars. YUM.

KOMBUCHA-I guess I’ll need to drink that before I get to the airport. GREAT STUFF.

This is what I left in Minneapolis this morning: 53F and rain.

Curbside service courtesy of my sweets.

The flight necessities: Laptop (NON WORK), iPhone, Game boy DS (Suduko, Brain Age, Crossword, and of course Super Mario Bros), NUUN, Lunch bag, and my Book.

OK-I better find a place to charge my gadgets. It's a 6 hour flight from here to Maui (then I go to Kona).