Thursday, April 02, 2009

Fun in the Sun

It’s hard to beat the clear blue skies and the warm temps here in the Valley, but the fun factor rocketed yesterday when we picked up Julie and Erik at the airport. It was officially play time! We all took 3 days off work to hang out, train, and catch a few rays. We did this last year as well-YNDECAMP take two!!

We kicked off camp with 800s on the track, 20 miles on the bike, 2000m in the outdoor pool, and most importantly, a very enjoyable Mexican dinner at Tia Rosa.

Today the main event was a ride to Tortilla Flats along the Apache Trail. After a nice swim we saddled up around 11am for our ride. Its 28 miles to Tortilla Flats from the condo, and the final 10 miles from Apache Junction to Tortilla Flats is absolutely spectacular. The scenery is breathtaking; and combine that with challenging climbs, fun descents, and a classic southwest Saloon, and you’ve got a great adventure. We pulled into the Tortilla Flats Saloon almost 2 hours after departure and fully enjoyed the opportunity to refuel.

It was a little daunting knowing we had to turn around and climb ourselves back out of there, but once the blood returned to the legs after our layover, it was a fabulous and equally spectacular ride home.

Today epitomizes why I train and participate in triathlon. Fun Challenges shared with friends!

Now it’s time to recovery and get ready for another epic day…Mt Lemmon in Tuscon is on the agenda for tomorrow. We learned a lot from our maiden voyage up the Mt last year… and pray for a smoother experience this time around.

Here’s a link to my blog post from the Mt Lemmon ADVENTURE of 2008!